When you request a quote with China Manufacturing parts, your part is evaluated by our advanced computational geometry algorithms, or in the case of certain complex parts, by our team of Quoting Engineers. Depending on the geometry of your part, we may leave you feedback to help make your parts more easily manufacturable. Common DFM suggestions include adding fillets, decreasing depth of cut, or opening up tolerances.
You'll know when you have DFM feedback for a part based on the yellow badge that pops up on your CAD preview, and by the yellow warning above your quote. Click View feedback to review the DFM.

For certain types of DFM such as increasing fillets or multiple body warnings, you can click on the DFM message in order to highlight the areas of the part that the DFM is referring to. If you have any questions about your DFM, you can respond to our feedback by reaching out to us by clicking Chat with us on the righthand side of the 3D Viewer.

Be sure to mention the name of the part and the question you're responding to followed by your comment or question, and one of our Manufacturing Experts will help provide more detail.