Time to read: 2 min

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one widely celebrated throughout Asia and is fast approaching.  The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, when the moon is full.  The festival celebrates the end of the autumn harvest and is similar to Thanksgiving in the US.  This year, the festival falls on October 1st.  

Also beginning October 1st in mainland China, is the National Day Golden Week, which celebrates the formation of the People’s Republic of China.  It’s called the Golden Week because hundreds of millions of people typically travel during this holiday, as compared to Chinese New Year when people tend to return to their hometowns.  And this year, the two holidays will be combined and the official holiday period will be the 1st through the 8th of October.

Don’t Let Golden Week Be a Surprise Disruption

The Golden Week holiday is relatively newer, compared to the Chinese New Year holiday, and is oftentimes lesser known to those outside of China. However, with business, government and factory shutdowns for the holiday, it can be equally disruptive as Chinese New Year.  

Customers ordering parts elsewhere in China during the holiday season can be a major risk for late delivery.  It’s not uncommon for suppliers to send out last-minute surprise communications, saying their ship date will be delayed due to the national holidays, with no alternative solution provided to the customer.

New This Year: Shortened Overseas Holiday Non-Production Days

At China Manufacturing parts, we have listened to our customers and heard that many can ill-afford such a long black-out, non-production period for overseas production this autumn.  

We have developed a distributed network of long-standing and trusted manufacturing partners with whom we have proactively worked with to secure dedicated capacity in mainland China and Taiwan during the Holiday. As such, we are happy to announce that the shutdown of our overseas offering will span only October 1st through 4th (i.e. just two business days).

The China Manufacturing parts, Inc. overseas team, composed of project management, quality engineering, quality control and logistics professionals based in China and Taiwan, have arranged to stagger their holidays in order to provide full work coverage for our customers.

And if you need parts faster than our overseas offering can provide, China Manufacturing parts’s domestic offerings will, of course, be unaffected during this time.

Place Your Orders For On-Time Delivery

At China Manufacturing parts, we take “on time” and “in full” performance seriously and aim to deliver to customer expectations on each and every order. To place your order in advance of the holiday, simply go to the China Manufacturing parts, Inc. Platform for your instant quotes and DFM, which is now updated with lead times to account for the shortened holiday non-production days overseas. You can also check out our our latest international logistics update here to stay informed on the latest information around third-party shipping logistics from overseas. Rest assured that our team will ensure your orders are shipped on time, as we are well-prepared and ready to support you with your product development needs.