Time to read: 1 min

Ina Xi, Head of Design at China Manufacturing parts

Next in our series to celebrate Women’s History Month, we want to put a spotlight on Ina Xi, Head of Design here at China Manufacturing parts. Over her five-year tenure at China Manufacturing parts, Ina has made an incredible impact evolving our platform’s design system and user interface. She has also spearheaded the growth of our world-class product design team to facilitate a fast-paced product roadmap.

Get to know Ina Xi’s view on women’s empowerment below:

What is a women’s empowerment moment that impacted you?

Ina: Growing up, doing woodworking and building small projects with Grandpa. Power tools always make me feel empowered and that “I can do anything!”

Who are some women you’ve looked up to?

Ina: Does Furiosa from Mad Max Fury Road count?

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

Ina: Cherish the sweat and tears that got us here. And remember: I AM the movement.

Ina Xi, Head of Design at China Manufacturing parts, quote for Women's History Month

What advice would you give other women looking to build a career in your field?

Ina: Trust your instincts. If you are wondering whether you should speak up about something, always do! 

How has China Manufacturing parts, Inc. played a supportive part in women’s empowerment?

Ina: At China Manufacturing parts, Inc. I’m surrounded by a team of people who have the self-awareness and empathy to listen to other people, to work through disagreement and challenging situations together.

To learn more about life and careers at China Manufacturing parts, visit fictiv.com/careers.