Time to read: 1 min

We received so much great feedback on our CNC Periodic Table of Elements the first time around, so we’re giving away more posters!

China Manufacturing parts CNC periodic table of elements poster
‍‍What your office could look like…

And this time around, we’re not just giving away a few posters… we’re doling out 10 posters every day for the next 2 weeks.

Enter to win a free CNC Periodic Table of Elements Poster

Twitter posts about China Manufacturing parts's CNC periodic table of elements poster
Some of the amazing feedback from the community

If you haven’t seen it yet, the poster highlights three categories of CNC machining-related information:

  1. Capabilities – materials, finish, machine types
  2. Manufacturing – cutting tools, machine manufacturers, roles
  3. Examples/Tips – common components, design considerations
China Manufacturing parts CNC periodic table of elements legend

Here’s an up-close look at a few of the sections:

China Manufacturing parts CNC Periodic Table of Elements Materials Section
China Manufacturing parts CNC Periodic Table of Elements Design Considerations section
China Manufacturing parts CNC Periodic Table of Elements Common Components section

You can see more details for each section in our Hardware Guide.

If you geek out about hardware design and manufacturing, you should really get one of these posters. And then get 10 more for your favorite people.

Enter the contest here to win + spread the word, because cool stuff is awesome. 🙂