Drew Garn

Content Marketing Manager at China Manufacturing parts, helping to spread design and manufacturing news and education.

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How Small Disruptions Can Impact the Supply Chain: Notes from the Supply Chain Bunker

The world we live in has been changed dramatically in the last few months, with COVID-19 running rampant globally. We’ve been getting questions from people all across the manufacturing and supply chain spaces, and we think it’s important to make those thoughts and insights available to everyone.  Last week, we kicked off The Supply Chain […]


The Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability: A Recap

Unpredictability and disruption in the supply chain world are often thought about, yet rarely prepared for. With the global spread of COVID-19, manufacturing has changed dramatically over the last few months, and it seems as if there’s no end in sight.  Last week, we hosted a webinar on the Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability, […]


Meet Our Team: Adeeti Katti

Here at China Manufacturing parts, we’re passionate about building the most reliable digital manufacturing ecosystem imaginable.  We’re just as focused on building a culture of inspiring and motivated individuals to help tackle that challenge. In our Meet Our Team series, we’re excited to share the talented China Manufacturing parts, Inc. employees (or Fictors, as we like to call ourselves) that […]


How Unpredictability is Testing Traditional Supply Chains

For the last few weeks, the news has been dominated by the spread of the coronavirus and its rising death toll. The outbreak is also continuing to have a major impact on the manufacturing world with seemingly no end in sight. This is also causing older supply chain models to show just how fragile they […]


Webinar: The Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability

Supply chain disruption is a reality that every company will encounter at some point. The coronavirus outbreak that has spread throughout China is just the latest example of volatility and unpredictability in the manufacturing world, and there will always be more to come.  However, traditional supply chains are outdated and unprepared to deal with the […]


What We’re Reading This Week: Unpredictability Impacts Supply Chains Globally

Our regular roundup of what’s new in the manufacturing and supply chain media. Things continue to move fast with coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and it continues to occupy many headlines. Many are starting to consider what this outbreak will mean in the medium and long term. The medium-term impact is likely to be substantial […]


What We’re Reading This Week: Trends for 2020

We eat, drink and sleep manufacturing at China Manufacturing parts. And when we’re not finding the best manufacturing technology and solutions for our customers, we’re busy learning what’s new and keeping across the latest trends. If you’re wondering what’s new in the world of manufacturing, check out our weekly insights, a quick roundup of what caught our […]


Meet Our Team: Kathleen “Kat” Lopez

Here at China Manufacturing parts, we’re passionate about making an entire world of manufacturing accessible and available to product innovators and builders alike to enable products to be built quickly and easily.  We’re just as focused on building a culture of inspiring and motivated individuals to help tackle that challenge. In our newest blog series called Meet […]


Introducing Instant Quotes for CNC Finishing

It’s now easier than ever to order CNC parts with a wide variety of finishing options. Today, we’re excited to announce that instant quotes for CNC finishing are now available on the China Manufacturing parts, Inc. Digital Manufacturing Platform. With this new update, you can quickly and easily add one or multiple finishes to your CNC machined parts […]


What We’re Reading This Week: The CES Special

‍We eat, drink, and sleep manufacturing at China Manufacturing parts. And when we’re not finding the best manufacturing technology and solutions for our customers, we’re busy learning what’s new and keeping across the latest trends. If you’re wondering what’s new in the world of manufacturing, check out our weekly insights, a quick roundup of what caught our […]


Are you CES Ready? Don’t Stress, It’s Not Too Late!

This year’s Eureka Park at CES will be rocking a whole lot of cool new innovations and many of those exhibiting will spend December rushing around trying to figure out how to get their prototypes or samples made. If you’re one of those amazing innovators, we salute you! And to make sure you’re CES ready, […]


Webinar: How to Automate Robotics Processes in Record Time

If you’ve ever programmed a robot, CNC, or pick-and-place machine, you’ve experienced them doing exactly what you told them to, but not what you wanted them to do. Significant investment of time, effort, and materials is needed to build-up industrial automation. You have to worry about many of the tiny details and have a strong […]


How 3D Printing is Changing the Medical Industry

In recent years, the applications of 3D printed parts and products has skyrocketed. We’re used to seeing 3D printed parts in everyday life, from consumer electronics all the way to the automotive and aerospace industries. Now, 3D printing is starting to seep into the medical field. It’s estimated that additive manufacturing in medicine will be […]


Using Digital Twin Technology in a Physical World

The life of clinician is never dull. Situations that might seem rare happen almost daily, and it’s nearly impossible to anticipate what may happen next. Still, the right preparation can go a long way. In many industries, there are methods to deal with such risky and costly situations. One simulation type that’s growing in popularity […]


How the Movie Industry Relies on Hardware

As Hollywood blockbusters tend to be laden with computer-generated imagery (CGI), it’s easy to assume the film industry no longer relies on hardware to wow audiences. Dig a little deeper, however, and you’ll find that hardware design and engineering are at the core of animatronics, a vital component to the process of modern movie-making magic.  […]


Dragon Innovation Q&A with CEO Scott Miller

A few weeks ago, we tuned into Dragon Innovation’s live Q&A with CEO Scott Miller to find out the keys to manufacturing success. One of the early topics that Scott touched on was the pace of change through technology. Scott started working at iRobot in 1998 as a Senior Mechanical Engineer, designing and debugging the […]


Supply Chain Management: Understanding Tariff Mitigation Strategies

Recent changes to tariffs on imports into the United States have started to hit supply chains worldwide. With the effects trickling down, companies are scrambling to find ways to ensure they limit the potential negative impacts on their bottom line profits. In April, General Electric started feeling the repercussions. CEO John Flannery estimated that the […]


HS codes and HTS Codes in the Import/Export Process

With international manufacturing and global trade playing such an important role in today’s product development world, it’s important to understand how logistics work in every part of the import and export processes.  Aside from understanding incoterms and establishing them with your supplier, HS codes and HTS codes are the other big piece of the puzzle. […]


Incoterms 101: Everything You Need to Know About International Logistics

In the global manufacturing world, logistics often prove to be the biggest hassle between a buyer and seller. Without a clear understanding of who organizes and covers what aspects of the transaction, it’s easy for responsibility to get muddy and for conflict to arise.  That’s why the International Chamber of Commerce created a list of […]


3D Printing and the Future of Distributed Manufacturing [VIDEO]

We live in an era of centralized manufacturing. The prototyping and manufacturing ecosystem is dominated by massive companies that invest a ton of capital in warehouses full of machines that can fulfill demand. When I was at Ford’s Silicon Valley Innovation Lab working to speed up development cycles, I realized there are real problems with this system. […]