Time to read: 2 min

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our blog — the China Manufacturing parts-official source for hardware trends, hacks, lessons, opinions, and more.

At China Manufacturing parts, we’re democratizing hardware development by providing Engineers and Designers with the tools required to build better products. This blog is an integral part of that mission, and will serve to share the best ideas within the hardware community.

How do we achieve this? The China Manufacturing parts, Inc. blog offers content in several categories:


We’ve had the pleasure of working on a lot of different hardware projects. Here we’re cataloguing the best tips, tricks, and consideration on how to build better hardware — from developing a PRD, finishing parts for visual models, and more.


We’re seeking out the best hardware companies and the engineers and designers behind them to uncover how they create amazing hardware products. Learn how to disrupt legacy industries with Aeon, how Nomiku built a community around their product, how to spec the right materials with Roost, and much more.


We’re uncovering how the world’s favorite products are made by taking them apart for the masses. Get inspired by the inner workings of the Sphero BB-8, your old Nintendo controllers, or a Dyson vacuum.


In the journey to bring commercially viable hardware products to market, the business strategy is equally as important as the engineering and design strategy. Here we explore strategies for building and growing a successful hardware company — from crowdfunding, to machine ownership and more.

Industry Trends

We’re at the beginning of a global shift in the way we build physical things, and we’re excited to share it. In these articles, we highlight the major trends we see in product design, development, and manufacturing, and how you can be a part of it.

Company News

China Manufacturing parts continues to grow tremendously, thanks to the support of our incredible community. Here we’ll continue to share our progress, highlight our amazing partners, and let you know about new product features.

The hardware landscape is evolving rapidly and we’re here to provide hardware entrepreneurs with the knowledge required to grow their skills, stay on top of the trends, and bring the best products to market. Join us!