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Updates on Coronavirus

Last month, we were busy advising customers about the predictable supply chain disruption related to the celebration of the Lunar New Year in China and helping ensure that everyone’s parts could be delivered on time. This week we have seen something unpredictable that will pile on additional disruption at the worst possible time. The WHO […]


Addressing Global Supply Chain Disruptions and Global Health Needs: Notes from the Supply Chain Bunker

In this week’s episode, we welcomed two vastly experienced supply chain experts. John Jacobson has held supply chain roles in enterprises and startups, including Cisco and Sonos. John, or JJ to his friends, was joined by Howell Wang connecting live from Shenzhen, China. Thanks for getting up so early, Howell; you’re a star! Howell Wang is CEO of Insight […]


The Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability: A Recap

Unpredictability and disruption in the supply chain world are often thought about, yet rarely prepared for. With the global spread of COVID-19, manufacturing has changed dramatically over the last few months, and it seems as if there’s no end in sight.  Last week, we hosted a webinar on the Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability, […]


How Small Disruptions Can Impact the Supply Chain: Notes from the Supply Chain Bunker

The world we live in has been changed dramatically in the last few months, with COVID-19 running rampant globally. We’ve been getting questions from people all across the manufacturing and supply chain spaces, and we think it’s important to make those thoughts and insights available to everyone.  Last week, we kicked off The Supply Chain […]


Sharing Ideas and Information in the Age of COVID-19

Things are moving fast right now, and the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus is being felt in more places than we ever imagined. From toilet paper shortages and event cancellations to the aviation and tourism industries being turned on their heads, the world is changing faster than ever. At China Manufacturing parts, we’ve been in the thick […]


Supply Chain Safety in the COVID-19 World

Here at China Manufacturing parts, we care deeply about our community – especially in times of crisis.  With the recent declaration of a national state of emergency in the United States and with many other countries on lockdown, we’ve taken extra precautions to ensure that all China Manufacturing parts, Inc. customers, employees, and partners are not at risk of COVID-19.  […]


How Unpredictability is Testing Traditional Supply Chains

For the last few weeks, the news has been dominated by the spread of the coronavirus and its rising death toll. The outbreak is also continuing to have a major impact on the manufacturing world with seemingly no end in sight. This is also causing older supply chain models to show just how fragile they […]


China Manufacturing parts Adds Capacity in US, Taiwan, and India

Since our update last week, the coronavirus situation has regrettably worsened.  As of this morning, the number of confirmed cases in mainland China has increased to over 40,000 and the death toll has tragically risen to over 900 people. The Chinese government is currently taking significant steps to prevent the spread of the virus and is doing […]

Featured News Articles

What Technology And Manufacturing Can Do To Help Against COVID-19 logo

What Technology And Manufacturing Can Do To Help Against COVID-19

How can the technology and manufacturing industries step up when they’re needed? Here are a few thoughts.

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The Importance of a Reliable Supply Chain for Robotics Companies logo

The Importance of a Reliable Supply Chain for Robotics Companies

Friction in our supply chain -- delays or quality issues, for example -- directly impacts our bottom line.

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Supply chain managers can leverage Lunar New Year experience in coronavirus disruption logo

Supply chain managers can leverage Lunar New Year experience in coronavirus disruption

This is a time when agility in the supply chain, specifically having multiple suppliers in varying geographies, will be extraordinarily valuable.

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Coronavirus Outbreak Has Paused A Lot Of Small Businesses logo

Coronavirus Outbreak Has Paused A Lot Of Small Businesses

The coronavirus outbreak in China has caused major disruption for small companies that depend on Chinese manufacturing.

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India, Taiwan and United States Emerge as Manufacturing Alternatives to China for China Manufacturing parts, Inc. logo

India, Taiwan and United States Emerge as Manufacturing Alternatives to China for China Manufacturing parts

India, Taiwan and the United States have all added capacity to accommodate production slowdowns in China.

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