

How to Write an Engineering Requirements Document

The Product Requirements Document (PRD aka Product Requirement Document) is a familiar term to most engineers. Typically, we get the PRD from a product manager; it tells us what to build but not how to build it. But let’s face it, it’s probably better that way. Engineers hate being told how to implement an idea — that’s the fun […]


2022 State of Manufacturing Report

Introduction The world is forever changed. The past two years have been exceptional in many ways, but workplaces and businesses have adapted and moved forward. The rise of remote work isn’t receding, and the need to invest in more resilient supply chains is greater than ever. And even as constraints have loosened, leaders know that […]


Monthly Supply Chain Update: November 2021

China Manufacturing parts’s Monthly Supply Chain Update series gives you insight into the logistics challenges, transit times, and related manufacturing issues we’re currently facing. Happy holidays everyone! Christmas is right around the corner, and we want to update everyone on how we’re managing our supply chain to keep production moving and fulfilling orders as quickly as possible. […]


Monthly Supply Chain Update: October 2021

China Manufacturing parts’s Monthly Supply Chain Update series gives you insight into the logistics challenges, transit times, and related manufacturing issues we’re currently facing. In the early stages of the pandemic, demand for goods was depressed, and delays and shortages plagued production across industries around the world. While consumer demand and industrial activity have picked back up […]


Solving 7 Common Problems in CNC Machining Aerospace Components

CNC Machining for Aerospace: An Overview The aerospace industry is different from others because the consequences of a given part’s failure are dire. No need to go into details, but in general, everything needs to work perfectly every time. This means every gear needs to turn, every bracket needs to stay in place, and it […]


Autumn Holidays Overseas: How to Mitigate Manufacturing Delays

The Mid-Autumn Festival is widely celebrated throughout Asia and is fast approaching. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar when the moon is full and celebrates the end of the autumn harvest — it’s similar to Thanksgiving in the US. This year, the festival falls on […]


Engineering Tips from the Director of Program Management at Igor Institute

In this edition of Engineering Heroes, we sat down with Kathy Fedirchuk, Director of Program Management at Igor Institute. During our conversation, we talked about overcoming the challenges of new product introduction during COVID, the importance of setting clear expectations with internal teams and suppliers, and the advantages of using a form template to facilitate […]


2021 State of Manufacturing Insights: Winning with Analytics, Automation and Innovation

We create China Manufacturing parts’s annual State of Manufacturing report to gain insight into the current trends, goals and concerns in the industry. In 2021, our survey of hundreds of manufacturing executives showed that driving supply chain resilience and new product introduction (NPI) are keys to success in a post-COVID world.  Because these topics are at the […]


2021 State of Manufacturing Report

Discover insights from a survey of over 200 senior manufacturing decision makers.


How Communities Are Learning To Stop Worrying And Love Robotics

Robotics stands out as one of the fields where both innovation and adoption will benefit most from the aftermath of the pandemic.