

Moddler Brings Star Wars Holochess to Life with 3D Printing

Ever wonder how the fantastical creatures you see in Star Wars are brought to life? There are some incredible tools at the hands of filmmakers, animators and producers these days, one of which is 3D printing. So when Lucasfilm wanted to re-animate the lovable holochess game in The Force Awakens, they worked with Academy Award […]


A Closer Look: 3D Printing Materials Comparison

The most popular question we get at China Manufacturing parts, Inc. is around 3D printing material choice: “Which material is best for my project?” Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, and it can be hard to make a decision without holding and seeing the material for yourself. You’re always welcome to come by the China Manufacturing parts, Inc. office […]


How to Clean PolyJet Parts

A lot of hard work goes into making 3D printed parts shine once they come off the build bed. As revolutionary as 3D printing has been for hardware development, there’s still some manual labor that goes into every part. Here’s a quick tutorial that shows how we clean PolyJet parts fresh off the build bed […]


The True Cost of Machine Ownership

One of the most popular questions I get from hardware companies concerns the pros and cons of 3D printer ownership. The question generally goes something like, if i’m iterating all the time, doesn’t it make sense for me to buy my own machine that I can access whenever I need it? That’s precisely the question I […]


How to Select & Source the Right Materials

After the R&D stage in the hardware development lifecycle, you have a clear vision of what you’re building, the problem it solves, who the target user is, what other products are out there trying to solve the same problem (and how those products were made) and you’ve started iterating on the product design. A next […]


3D TLC: Best Practices at One of the Bay Area’s Top 3D Print Shops

Moddler is widely known as one of the top boutique 3D print shops in the Bay Area. Founded by vfx veteran and Emmy Award winner John Vegher, the company enjoys a glittering line-up of clients and a solid reputation for quality, care, and customer service. Moddler’s focus on producing the highest quality parts for their customers, regardless […]


How to Use 3D Printing to Design Furniture

Additive manufacturing has revolutionized the way we prototype products—new ideas can take shape in a matter of hours. While large-scale 3D printing is becomingly increasingly possible, the technology is still most commonly used to develop consumer products on a smaller scale. However, this shouldn’t stop you from thinking big when it comes to using additive […]


Options for 3D Printing Clear Parts

When it comes to 3D printing clear parts, it’s important to understand the clarity options available to you. Depending on your design requirements, the clarity level can play an integral role in your design review. Here are 3 options for 3D printing clear parts to help you make the best material choice for your part. […]


How to Spray Paint 3D Models

Painting your 3D models has always been an elusive subject. What kind of paint do you use? Will it stick to the 3D printed material? How will the quality look? These are just some of the questions floating around the heads of many designers and engineers. Over years of trial and error, one method we’ve […]


3D Printing Materials Overview

You can 3D print parts using many different types of materials. Here’s an overview of the most commonly used 3D printing materials that you can find on the China Manufacturing parts, Inc. platform. All of them are great options for prototyping hardware. When you’ve decided which 3D printing material to use for your project, consider these 3 factors: […]