

CNC Periodic Table of Elements

China Manufacturing parts’s CNC machining service provides parts in just 3 days, via our simple online interface. In addition to powering hardware teams with the best fabrication services, we think it’s really important to support development with prototyping and manufacturing knowledge. Our awesome design and manufacturing teams teamed up to create a visual representation of the foundational […]


The CNC Periodic Table of Elements Poster Giveaway Contest is Back!

We received so much great feedback on our CNC Periodic Table of Elements the first time around, so we’re giving away more posters! And this time around, we’re not just giving away a few posters… we’re doling out 10 posters every day for the next 2 weeks. Enter to win a free CNC Periodic Table […]


To Infinity and Beyond: 3D Printed Parts Made in Space

You just spent the last six months traveling to the red planet, Mars. You sit down for your first meal and you reach down to pick up your fork…but you realize you forgot it! Rather than waiting months or possibly years for the next group of people and supplies to come, you can simply upload […]


PLA vs. ABS: Getting Value out of Low-Cost Prototyping

We’re taking a look at two lower resolution and cheaper 3D printing materials for prototyping: ABS and PLA. When will PLA suffice? When do you gain much more by going with ABS? A lot of people look at price and automatically choose to print in PLA because hey, it’s the cheapest material! But depending on […]


Finishing Metal Parts Glossary

While the tool marks left on metal parts produced using CNC machining services are visually appealing to some, in many cases, some additional post-processing may be desired or even required. There are a variety of finishes that one can use to add functionality or aesthetic appeal to parts, and the glossary below will help you […]


What is DMLS, and Why is it Taking over Aerospace?

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), a fancy way of 3D printing metal, is the new trend in aerospace engineering. DMLS uses a Ytterbium fiber laser to fire into a bed of powdered metal, welding the material together to create a solid structure. It’s great for complex metal parts that you can’t build with conventional manufacturing […]


Prototyping Showdown: 3D Printing vs. CNC Machining [VIDEO]

There are so many different ways to prototype and manufacture physical products, and at times, the list of materials and processes can feel daunting even for the most experienced engineers. At China Manufacturing parts, we’re working to give people more streamlined access to the best fabrication technology available. We’re also dedicated to helping engineers learn which fabrication […]


How to Get the Right Finish for VeroWhite 3D Printing Material

Depending on your visual model needs, you can choose from different finishing options for 3D printed parts. To make life easier, China Manufacturing parts, Inc. always recommends printing parts that need any type of finishing work in a high resolution material, like VeroWhite or VeroBlack. People often try to cut costs by printing in a low resolution, hard, […]


3 Ways to Prototype for NVH with 3D Printing

In prototyping automotive parts, it’s common for NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) to be placed on the back burner in the early product design phases, as there are often bigger challenges at play (like not breaking parts). NVH studies, often difficult and elusive, are not exactly a low-hanging fruit in the prototype phase. However, a gram […]


How to Communicate Color, Material, and Finish Effectively

CMF, which stands for Color, Material & Finish, is an area of specialty within the greater industrial design discipline. At large, design-centric hardware companies, CMF designers work alongside industrial designers and product design engineers to make sure that the chromatic and tactile identities of the product are on brand and in vogue. On smaller teams, […]