

Finite Element Analysis: How to Use Hooke’s Law to Dial in Simple FEAs

Any professional mechanical engineer knows that Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is an essential tool used to analyze stress (deflection, FOS, and more) in a design based on different loading conditions. A huge part of conducting FEA centers around research. When you start the process, you don’t yet know what you don’t know. You need to […]


New Quality Inspection Capabilities for GD&T, Tight Tolerances, and Production Quantities

At China Manufacturing parts, we’re constantly looking for ways to make the manufacturing process more streamlined for our customers. In addition to our standard inspections using hand metrology for CNC machined parts, we’re happy to now offer advanced inspections using coordinate measuring machines (CMM) or laser scanners, for more accurate, consistent, and scalable quality verification. ‍Customers can […]


China Manufacturing parts Donates Tool to Make Millions of Face Shields

Today, China Manufacturing parts, Inc. announced that hospitals and healthcare providers can begin ordering protective face shields in batches of up to 10,000 per order at cost for shipment as fast as one (1) day: We’re leveraging our global manufacturing network and a newly designed tool to produce millions of face shields to help healthcare workers in […]


Product Guide: China Manufacturing parts, Inc. CNC Finishing Capabilities

Skip the questions, eliminate redundant ordering, and get the finishing option that works best for your part. With China Manufacturing parts’s CNC finishing guide, learn everything you need to know about our surface finishing capabilities. We’ll give you in-depth information on the protective properties and aesthetic benefits of each finishing option. The guide will cover a variety […]


China Manufacturing parts Process Video: Anodizing

Anodizing increases corrosion resistance and enhances your product’s aesthetic appearance. Watch our video to see the anodizing process in action! Anodizing Materials Aluminum is the most ideal material for anodizing. ‍ The Anodizing Process Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process that grows the natural oxide layer on cnc machining aluminum parts to protect them from […]


Mass Customization: The Future of Made-to-Fit Manufacturing

Once upon a time there were cobblers, who would craft shoes to individual feet. Then came the industrial revolution, and the cobblers were replaced by dozens of factory workers, each performing a single step to build standard shoes—and feet were expected to adapt. This wasn’t all bad; the new shoes were cheaper, and more people […]


Manufacturing at Different Magnitudes Part 2: From 100 – 1,000 Units

One of the greatest challenges hardware teams face is in figuring out how to approach low volume production at awkward volumes of 100 – 1,000 units, before scaling to manufacture tens of thousands of units. In part 1 of this series, we covered best practices for manufacturing field testing units or made-to-engineer products at low […]


Manufacturing at Different Magnitudes Part 1: From 10 – 100 Units

What does the word “production” mean to you? An engineer at a large consumer goods company might think of multi-cavity injection molding tools that cast parts day and night, and assembly lines that run multiple shifts. On the other hand, an engineer that works at a medical equipment company might think about getting a few […]


Design Strategies for Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion is a common phenomenon—where there’s metal, there will be rust. In scientific terms, corrosion is a chemical process in which refined metals get converted to their more chemically stable form. Four basic ingredients found in your home environment cause corrosion: reactive metal, air, moisture, and electrolytes. And while a quick spray of WD-40 battles […]


Advanced Technologies Exploration: Direct Metal Laser Sintering

There are lots of different exciting advances in prototyping and machining technologies on the horizon. For this article we’re going to take a deeper look at one advanced technology we hear a lot of buzz around: Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS). Read on for an overview of the method, the technical specs, and our views […]