Time to read: 2 min

Happy New Year, and welcome to the latest edition of China Manufacturing parts’s Hardware Roundup! Read on for stories on AI in factories, production heaven, tin can openers, electric wire manufacturing, and more.

Want to share an interesting article, job posting, or event in Hardware Roundup? Submit your link here, and we’ll do our best to include it in the next issue with a credit to you.

Industry News

Hardware Knowledge

  • Tin can openers have taken many different shape and forms; take a look at their 200-year evolution. [Via Ars Technica]
  • China Manufacturing parts manufacturing engineer Mo McBirney was interviewed for The Prepared podcast about her time at MakerBot and Tesla, as well as her views on the industry.
  • Check out this regularly updated collection of over 2,700 mechanical mechanism videos created in Autodesk Inventor. [Via YouTube]
  • Our friends at Instrumental put together a collection of their favorite hardware articles. [Via Instrumental]
  • PCH Lime Lab released a white paper on Optical Heart Rate Monitor design and their measurement challenges. [Via PCH Lime Lab]



For the Love of Engineering

The hypnotic Japanese electronic music group Industrial JP released a music video on the process of manufacturing electrical wires, conductors, and harnesses.

Until next month!

Fin, Hardware Evangelist at China Manufacturing parts