Time to read: 1 min

Last week we hosted another event in our monthly event series at China Manufacturing parts, this time focusing on the trials and tribulations of bringing a product to market.  

To Sell or Not to Sell: How to Get Your Hardware Product to Market featured an amazing panel of speakers who have executed a variety of crowdfunding, e-commerce, and large retail campaigns, including Zach Supalla (Founder and CEO of Particle), Kate Whitcomb (Program Director at HAX Boost), Sean Harris (Head of Marketing at Eero), and Eric Dy (CEO of Bloom Technologies).

The panelists had valuable insight on how important customer feedback is in building your product, from early validation to brand building for large retailers. Ultimately, all agreed that regardless of platform, transparency and consistency in communication trumps all.

For the full discussion, check out the video below. You can also view photos from the event on our Facebook page.

Want to hear about our next event? Subscribe to our SF events list here. Have some ideas around what you’d like us to focus on for our next event? Email me with your topic suggestions at inquiry.mf@chinamanufacturingparts.com.