

How to Write an Engineering Requirements Document

The Product Requirements Document (PRD aka Product Requirement Document) is a familiar term to most engineers. Typically, we get the PRD from a product manager; it tells us what to build but not how to build it. But let’s face it, it’s probably better that way. Engineers hate being told how to implement an idea — that’s the fun […]


On Demand

Builds & Banter: Building a Champion BattleBot the RoboGym Way

Gladiatorial. Technological. Destructive. Exciting. These are all words that describe the television spectacle known as BattleBots. But before the sparks fly and the destruction begins, a lot of work goes into making the machines ready for the arena. We’re sitting down to talk with Team RoboGym about their BattleBot named Deadlift, the thrills of competing […]


On Demand

Friendsgiving with China Manufacturing parts: 5 Ways to Accelerate Your Engineering Workflow

As an engineer, moving fast is critical to success, but you need to balance costs, quality, and lead time when planning any project. Join us as we discuss 5 common challenges engineers face when designing and building new products — and how the China Manufacturing parts, Inc. Platform helps you solve them. Check out this on-demand webinar and […]


On Demand

Solving 7 Common Challenges for CNC Machining Aerospace Components

Nowhere is the precision and quality of CNC machining more important than in the aerospace and aeronautics industries. But crafting components that are both light enough to fly and strong enough to land requires milling a variety of exotic materials to incredibly tight tolerances. In this webinar, experts discuss the challenges of designing and manufacturing […]


Engineering Tips from the Director of Program Management at Igor Institute

In this edition of Engineering Heroes, we sat down with Kathy Fedirchuk, Director of Program Management at Igor Institute. During our conversation, we talked about overcoming the challenges of new product introduction during COVID, the importance of setting clear expectations with internal teams and suppliers, and the advantages of using a form template to facilitate […]


How To Make a Great Engineering Drawing Manufacturers Will Understand

Before the days of CNC, machinists made parts purely based on 2D drawings. We’ve come a long way since then, and now the drawing is much less important to the process of actually cutting material, thanks to precise 3D modeling and CAM programs. That said, drawings are still a great way to call out special […]


How to Fast-Track Your Parts: Getting Real About Your Vital Requirements

Here at China Manufacturing parts, we’re all about speed and quality. We want you, the engineer, to get your parts on time—and to get the parts you need and were expecting. China Manufacturing parts, Inc. provides more options and fewer constraints and gives you a system-level view of your design that offers a broad enough sense of how it will […]


Balancing Speed & Quality: Where R&D Should Pump the Brakes or Hit the Gas

Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation is not about saying yes to everything. It’s about saying no to all but the most crucial features.” As part of the I.D. product development team at Apple, I had the remarkable experience of observing this philosophy firsthand. I sat in on many design team meetings where new and innovative […]


5 Critical Mistakes R&D Teams Make: Avoid Them with These Simple Practices

What could be more exciting than the development and launch of a new product?  The rush of the experience – grounded in the hope of unprecedented success. Legendary products like Apple AirPods, which captured 60% of the market in record time and the Apple Watch, which made Apple the world’s biggest watch manufacturer in 2018, […]


How to Accelerate Your Engineering Builds (and Ensure You Get Parts That Fit)

There are very few parts that function on their own—almost every design requires multiple pieces to be joined in some way to create a final product. When was the last time you had something other than a bottle opener that was a single, functional part?  When designing for a multi-part engineering build, there are extra […]