

How to Build Physical Products in the Virtual New World: Webinar Recap

China Manufacturing parts’s June 17 webinar on best practices for engineering teams who are working remotely to build physical products was hosted by Hiro Shimozato, China Manufacturing parts’s Director of Product Management. Hiro talked with Ann Torres, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Synapse, and Chris Garn, Director of Engineering at Cooper Perkins, about their companies’ strategies for helping […]


2020 State of Manufacturing Report

Conducted with Dimensional Research, the fifth annual manufacturing industry report polled hundreds of senior manufacturing and supply chain decision makers at companies producing medical device, robotics, automotive, aerospace, and consumer electronics products. Key themes from the 30-page report found: COVID-19 Has Negatively Harmed Most Businesses (89%) and Industries Digital and AI Advances are Important, But […]


4 Essential Tactics for Supply Chain Risk Management

It’s important for every new product introduction team to consider how to manage against risk in their supply chain, in order to avoid disruption. After you identify your high-level business objectives, I recommend four actionable strategies for supply chain risk mitigation:  Dual/triple source for components where applicable Plan proactively against future scenarios Maintain visibility through […]


How Small Disruptions Can Impact the Supply Chain: Notes from the Supply Chain Bunker

The world we live in has been changed dramatically in the last few months, with COVID-19 running rampant globally. We’ve been getting questions from people all across the manufacturing and supply chain spaces, and we think it’s important to make those thoughts and insights available to everyone.  Last week, we kicked off The Supply Chain […]


The Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability: A Recap

Unpredictability and disruption in the supply chain world are often thought about, yet rarely prepared for. With the global spread of COVID-19, manufacturing has changed dramatically over the last few months, and it seems as if there’s no end in sight.  Last week, we hosted a webinar on the Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability, […]


Protect This House: Defending Your Workspace in the Face of a Contagion

Editor’s Note: As of March 12th, all China Manufacturing parts, Inc. employees have started working remotely to align with expert health official recommendations. Staff will be remote until otherwise noted to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. As an industry expert, we’re used to disruptions of all kinds, and it’s our daily business to create entirely new supply chains […]


How Unpredictability is Testing Traditional Supply Chains

For the last few weeks, the news has been dominated by the spread of the coronavirus and its rising death toll. The outbreak is also continuing to have a major impact on the manufacturing world with seemingly no end in sight. This is also causing older supply chain models to show just how fragile they […]


Webinar: The Hidden Costs of Supply Chain Unpredictability

Supply chain disruption is a reality that every company will encounter at some point. The coronavirus outbreak that has spread throughout China is just the latest example of volatility and unpredictability in the manufacturing world, and there will always be more to come.  However, traditional supply chains are outdated and unprepared to deal with the […]


The 4 Phases of IoT Product Development Made Easy

This article is based on Breadware’s IoT Product Development in 4 Smart Steps that outlines the four phases of IoT Product Development. The Internet of Things (IoT), after years of speculation, is starting to take off. In the last five years alone, businesses and products that use of IoT technologies has nearly doubled to about 25%. That […]


How 3D Printing is Changing the Medical Industry

In recent years, the applications of 3D printed parts and products has skyrocketed. We’re used to seeing 3D printed parts in everyday life, from consumer electronics all the way to the automotive and aerospace industries. Now, 3D printing is starting to seep into the medical field. It’s estimated that additive manufacturing in medicine will be […]