

Coolest Cooler Teardown

It’s been a while since our last teardown here at China Manufacturing parts, so we knew when we came back that we had to take apart something really special. Something completely unique. Something…cool. We present: the Coolest Cooler; the Kickstarter product that swept the nation in the summer of 2014, raising $13 million dollars from over 62,000 […]


Apple AirPods vs. Google Pixel Buds Teardown

You can learn a lot from examining the ways in which different companies solve the same problem. After stripping the one-eighth-inch audio jack out of their phones, Apple and Google both needed to create a set of Bluetooth headphones, but each company took a very different approach to the solution.  Apple crafted their AirPods to […]


Halo Sport Teardown

In this teardown, we look inside a very special pair of headphones. We are not going to dig into its acoustics, because that’s not why it’s interesting. Halo Sport is a wearable neurostimulation headset that accelerates improvement from movement-based training. It’s the first consumer product of its kind; neurostimulation technology has only been used in clinical and research […]


How to Prepare Your Request for Quote Package

Seven hundred years ago, Marco Polo returned from the Far East with tales of wonder and exotic goods, like silks, fine porcelains, and spices, which would set the trends for the upper classes of Europe for centuries to come. These days, importing products comes with less fame, but it has also never been easier: Manufacturers […]


On Demand

DC Motors and Motion Control Systems

In this on-demand webinar, Simplexity CTO Doug Harriman teaches on DC motors and motion control systems, for mechanical engineers working with motors who want a better understanding of these systems. During the webinar Doug will discuss: Overview of motor types Recommended applications Deep dive on brushed DC motors Important considerations around motor selection


Sphero R2-D2 Teardown

In honor of Force Friday, we teamed up with the engineers over at Sphero to bring you two exclusive teardowns of Sphero’s just-released-today Star Wars toys featuring R2-D2 and BB-9E, a brand new character featured in the upcoming movie. As one of the most popular characters in the Star Wars universe, there’s certainly no shortage of R2-D2 products […]


Sphero BB-9E Teardown

In honor of Force Friday, we teamed up with the engineers over at Sphero to bring you two exclusive teardowns of Sphero’s Star Wars toys, R2-D2 and BB-9E. When we first unboxed the little black droid called BB-9E, we thought to ourselves, “Is that an evil BB-8?” There’s no mistaking which side this mysterious new character plays on–even its […]


Mechatronica: 3D Printing Gears and Robots

Designing and building robots and other mechatronic designs has been simplified by the continued evolution of 3D printing technology, but it’s not without its challenges. 3D printed parts aren’t quite the same as their more expensive machined and molded cousins, and we need to take into account the tolerances, surface finishes, and other limitations of […]


Let It Slide: Self-Lubrication in Mechanical Assemblies

We love the way friction gives us traction on the road, good brakes, and allows us to walk without looking like a newborn Bambi. But there are also things we can’t stand about it—engines seizing up, stuck bolts, and old grandfather clocks never chiming again. We absolutely need friction (and sometimes we absolutely need less […]


How to Handle ECOs

Engineering Changes (ECs) are fulcrums: They’re powerful, and a small mistake one day can have incredible consequences for weeks, or even months, afterwards. When companies mature, they need systems to limit the impact of potential unintended consequences, but you’ll always hear engineers grumbling about the red tape required to make this “one tiny, obviously logical […]