Time to read: 3 min

Welcome to another month of the China Manufacturing parts, Inc. Hardware Roundup, where we share interesting news, education, events, and opportunities from the hardware ecosystem.

A huge thank you to all the folks who reached out last month with feedback on Hardware Roundup, all your insight is greatly appreciated. We’ll be incorporating your suggestions over the next few months.

Have an interesting article, job posting, or event you’d like to share in the Hardware Roundup? Submit your suggestions here and we’ll do our best to include them in the next issue.

Industry News

  • Former MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis just acquired Other Machine Co., a rapid prototyping company for digital desktop CNC milling. Other Machine Co. CEO Danielle Applestone will continue to lead the company from their Berkeley headquarters. While MakerBot is focused on 3D Printing, both companies focus on faster prototyping and have a deep passion for engineering education. [via Machine Digest]
  • Our friends at Dragon Innovation, Kickstarter and Avnet have partnered to start Hardware Studio, a suite of tools aimed at helping teams navigate the many challenges of hardware development. Interested parties apply for Hardware Studio support ahead of their campaign launch, and the partners work with creators to address common challenges, such as choosing manufacturing partners and product pricing. [via TechCrunch]
  • DJI recently announced the launch of a new drone, the DJI Spark. At $500 and the size and weight of a can of soda, this is the smallest and cheapest drone DJI has launched. It’s main feature is HD video, and has some interesting gesture-controls for ease of use. Looks like DJI might be able to pick up where Lily left off and capture the consumer market. Anyone else want us to tear this down? [via Wired]

Hardware Knowledge 

  • Autodesk Director of Automotive Products writes about the changing automotive fabrication and design landscape, including using generative design, new materials and manufacturing methods, and changing usage patterns around automobiles.  [via IndustryWeek]
  • Autodesk isn’t the only one thinking about the future of automotive this month. The Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT) program, led by Lockheed Martin is undertaking a new R&D project to evaluate “friction stir extrusion” for manufacturing auto body frames to reduce the weight and cost of materials used in production, and build vehicles that operate more efficiently. [via American Machinist]
  • Plasma is a powerful tool in solving surface preparation problems such as precision cleaning and decontamination, increasing surface wettability and adhesion promotion. Appliance Design takes a look at the many applications of plasma technology to solve complex adhesion challenges. [via Appliance Design]


  • Digital Factory is a one day event in Cambridge, MA focused on digital manufacturing. Hosted by Formlabs, the June 5th event boasts a great list of speakers from Autodesk, MIT, Desktop Metal, OnShape, and many more. [Register here]
  • The day after Digital Factory, Formlabs is also hosting their first user conference, FUSE Conference. Head to MIT Media Lab on June 6th to exchange prototyping best practices and get a sneak peek into future Formlabs product plans. [Register here]

  • Gray Area is hosting this year’s BIL conference on June 10th. Lots of great talks in robotics, biotechnology, and so much more. If you haven’t been to BIL, it’s akin to TED, but much more open with an un-conference framework. [Register here]
  • For the designers and design enthusiasts in the Bay Area, June 14th marks the beginning of SF Design Week. With workshops, studio tours, and presentations all over the city, it’s bound to be a great time. Many of the events are already sold out or selling out fast, so be sure to reserve your spot ASAP. [Register here]


  • NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory is hiring a Pyromechanisms Engineer in Pasadena, CA. If you want to build robotic spacecraft structures and mechanisms, this is an incredible opportunity. [via LinkedIn]
  • If earth-based vehicles are more your thing, NIO is hiring a Mechanical Engineer in San Jose, CA to work on their electric autonomous vehicles. [via LinkedIn]
  • Google is hiring an Industrial Designer for their hardware team in Mountain View, CA. [via LinkedIn]

For the Love of Engineering

  • Maker Faire Bay Area just wrapped up, and one of my favorite things is the Power Racing Series, where engineers build $500 electric cars based off of kids Power Wheels. We actually raced last year in collaboration with product engineering firm Mindtribe, you can view the build here. For a taste of the absurdity and quick engineering prowess that goes into the races, check out their Season 7 trailer. [via Vimeo]

  Until next month!

Madelynn, Director of Community at China Manufacturing parts